Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Hi everybody!

I arrived in lake Louise yesterday afternoon after a 16 hour bus ride, should have only taken 12 but the amount of times we stopped was ridiculous! I met two other Aussies who happened to be working in lake Louise (at the same place) as well. So we all travelled here together. All the staff made us feel so welcome and we went to a staff thanksgiving dinner last night which was awesome! Our house is so cool- three stories high and my bedroom is very spacious. It's a really short walk to work, unless you get stuck waiting for the train to cross which has happened 2/3 times so far! I start work tomorow, I'm nervous but it's nice having met everyone already! I share a house with a Taiwan girl, argentina girl, Aussie girl and a Spanish girl! So there is alot of culture under one roof.
My week in Vancouver was one of the best holidays ever, I enjoyed it so much. I spent most of the time exploring the city alone, which I loved- until I got lost and ended up in a really bad side of the town. It was so scary! I spent the last two days in the hostel in the common areas hanging out with other people and just generally talking about Australia- everybody is fascinated with us! There is close to nothing in lake Louise and everything is so expensive. I had to go to the shops before to buy some basic fruit and dinner meals- it cost me a fortune. So apparently you can use the work ute and go to banff to buy groceries if there is enough people needing them- so next week that is what I'll do! I got home sick last night for the first time- but after a chat with a good friend I felt alot better. I do miss  mum alot though!! Love you mum!

Anyway, ive been sooo exhausted today so I haven't done much at all. I can't wait to see the lake though, which I will do on Sunday! ( my next day off)

I will get some photos up, I just have to download an app on my iPhone to be able to do that!